Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Gamma Hybrid Experiment (w/ visual aides)

I decided I would go ahead and try a new hybrid with Gamma ZO Magic (16) in the mains and Gamma Live Wire (16) in the crosses. I've had such good luck with my Babolat Hurricane/Technifibre X-One Biphase hybrid, I figured it would be worth a shot. I haven't actually used any Gamma strings on my own racquets for a number of years. Some people swear by them, others despise them. I'll see where I stand tomorrow--perhaps later in the week as thunderstorms are expected.

Here are the Zo Magic mains completed. These were strung at 65 lbs.--not pre-stretched as that would be superfluous for mono-filament strings. As far as poly strings go, it was fairly flexible, quite similar to the Babolat Pro Hurricane. 

Here's the Live Wire going in the crosses at 63 lbs. I did pre-stretch these. They had a bit of an "oily" feel to them. Of course that could be the result of the leftover lasagna I had for lunch--usually a good idea to wash one's hands, but since this is for my racquet, I let such graces slide.

Here is the completed racquet. I put the other two halves in plastic baggies and labeled what they are--just in case I mistake it for a very long piece of spaghetti. The ease of stringing was quite excellent with this combo, my poorly constructed machine not withstanding. I will give an update as soon as I have a chance to go out and hit with it--hopefully on Har-Tru again; I've missed the dirt so much--my knees have missed it even more.

Until then; keep stringing and evolving!

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