Sunday, May 2, 2010

A stringing video from Vinh

One of my valued readers, Vinh, sent me a link to his YouTube video. Even though he only filmed himself stringing the mains, he is lightning fast. I can't make out the machine brand/model, but hopefully Vinh will send me another message with the info. Here's a link to Vinh's YouTube page for anyone interested: Vinh's YouTube

Thanks again Vinh,

UPDATE: Vinh uses a Alpha Axis Pro, but replaced the lock out crank tensioner with a Head 2086 electronic constant pull machine. FYI


  1. Nice Alpha machine with the Wise. Looks like he's using the foot pedal that is an option with the Wise tension head. Very fast.

  2. Yeah, he is using a foot pedal. That looks like a really affordable modification to a somewhat cheap, but reliable, alpha machine. Man, that would cut my stringing time in half--if only I didn't have such fat, chubby fingers:)

